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What Is A Distance Learning Course?

Distance learning is a technique for educating students online. Students study from home and not in a classroom. Lectures and study materials are being sent over the internet through different modes.

There are many benefits of distance learning. Distance learning is more comprehensive than geography. For example, you do not have to be present in India to take classes at any university in India.

Due to the coronavirus, distance learning — a teaching style utilized by colleges and universities is now being adopted by students. The entire school and university campuses are forced to opt for online-based learning opportunities and do it effectively.

Why use distance learning?

Distance learning comes with innumerable advantages, from greater flex time and cost-effectiveness. Online learning is interactive and engaging for students to excel; this is why many teachers are adding this process to their handbooks.

Distance learning is also called distance education and online learning form of education which includes the physical separation of teachers and students with the help of various technologies to facilitate communication between student-teacher and student-student. Distance learning traditionally focuses on non-traditional students like full-time workers and non-residents or individuals from remote regions who cannot physically attend classroom lectures. However, distance education has also become an established part of the educational world.

How does distance learning work?

There are different types of distance learning where the instructors send all details to students through the internet.

The information is given in the form of the following: –

  • Online textbooks.
  • Screen-recorded videos
  • Scheduled chats between students and the instructor
  • Voice-over slideshow presentations


The types of distance learning include: –

  • Hybrid distance education-Hybrid distance education combines both synchronous and asynchronous methods. Students maintain contact with their instructors and receive deadlines to complete assignments and exams. They can work at their rapidity and submit through online forums. As students progress in their work, they gain access to new projects.

Who thrives with hybrid distance education? Only the students who love independence.

  • Correspondence courses-Correspondence courses consist of students engaging in class material using email. Students receive material and assignments through the mail and send completed projects back through the same method.
  • Video conferencing -Video conferencing can be defined as a way of meeting where two or more participants use different video platforms to connect over the internet. For example, teachers and students interact with each other no matter where they are, using tools like Zoom, Adobe Connect, Blackboard Collaborate, or other conferencing software.

Video conferencing helps in student-instructor interactions, which provides a structure for planning lessons which is a vital component of distance learning.

  • Fixed-time online courses-The most common format for distance learning is Fixed-time online courses.

Students log in to the learning site at their stipulated time. They have to complete pre-scheduled classroom activities at a given specific time.

Fixed-time online courses encourage interaction between students and teachers.

  • Open schedule online courses-These online courses provide students with plenty of freedom. Students receive online textbooks, bulletin boards, email, and more to complete coursework. Students are given deadlines, and the instructor allows them to work in their own space. Students value learning and excel with this format. It requires significant self-discipline and motivation.

Students who lack the proper skill set may find it challenging to deal with the prospect. They may feel overwhelmed by the process and need more motivation to work through the course effectively.

  • Conference classes-Conferencing helps the students and teachers to meet up for a class in real-time, whether in a group or individually, with any instructor through phone or video conference, such as google meet, skype, and zoom. Students and teachers can converse in live lessons despite the distance.

Benefits of distance learning

There are many benefits of distance learning.

The advantages include the following: –

  • Self-inspiration – Motivated students perform exceptionally well in distancing learning classes which encourages the students to stay disciplined. Students take up greater self-responsibility, stay well-organized, and perform well online.
  • Flexibility to choose – Distance learning courses also come with flexibility. It varies by course structure, however. For many studies, students set their schedules. They attend classes from their preferred location.
  • Adaptability and freedom – Instructors can adapt distance learning to suit students’ different educational needs, allowing students to learn anywhere at their rate. It is an adaptable form of education.
  • Easy access – Attending offline classes is impossible for some whose work and home responsibilities can get in the way. Distance learning provides easy access to the education process. Students require a computer and a stable internet connection.
  • Earning while learning – Continuing education was once out of the capability for those working full-time jobs. Today, it is possible to parallel hone and update their professional skills and study.

Distance learning provides the flexibility to do it in the evening and on the weekends.

  • Money and time savings: Distance learning courses provides learning materials online. So, students can reject textbook costs. These costs alone can save students from spending thousands of money per semester.
  • Virtual trips – Distance learning helps students to take virtual trips. These trips let students participate and experience places related to the curriculum. Virtual trips are an exciting way for students to engage themselves and are interactive tools for many instructors to rely on to increase their concentration.
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